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Path Spread #1


The Path #1 is laid out in a grid utilising two columns and three rows.

The first of the three rows shows rational or intellectual thoughts concerning the question. The second row is concerned with emotional attitudes, meaning feelings. The bottom row represents your posture or stance, meaning how you project yourself outwardly, to the world.

The left column shows how you currently think, feel, and act regarding your concern. The right column suggests advice on how to change your attitudes on these three levels to provide the most beneficial outcome. The trick is to compare and contrast the two columns, which gives hints as to what the cards mean and how to make changes, small or large.

Spread Positions

  1. Significator
  2. Your current attitude
  3. Your current feelings
  4. Your current posture
  5. Suggested posture
  6. Suggested feelings
  7. Suggested attitude




Path Spread #1







Your Path #1 Reading

  Current The Significator

2 of Pentacles
5 of Cups
Queen of Wands
3 of Cups
7 of Wands
The Wheel of Fortune




The Significator


An androgenous angel mixes fire and water in the act of performing spiritual alchemy. Her left foot is on land, as her right dips into the sea.

Upright Meaning:

Moderation, frugality, management, accommodation, accomplishment, etiquette, ritual, formulate, develop, heighten, perfection.




Current Thoughts

2 of Pentacles

A young man, in the act of dancing, has a pentacle in either hand, and they are joined by the lemniscate, the sign of eternity.

Upright Meaning:

On the one hand it is represented as a card of gaiety, recreation and its connections, which is the subject of the design; but it is read also as news and messages in writing, as obstacles, agitation, trouble, embroilment.




Suggested Thoughts

5 of Cups

A dark, cloaked figure, looking sideways at three prone cups two others stand upright behind him; a bridge is in the background, leading to a small keep or holding.

Upright Meaning:

It is a card of loss, but something remains over; three have been taken, but two are left; it is a card of inheritance, patrimony, transmission, but not corresponding to expectations.




Current Emotions

Queen of Wands

Emotionally and otherwise, the Queen's personality corresponds to that of the King of Wands, though she is more charismatic.

Reversed Meaning:

Good, economical, obliging, serviceable. Also signifies opposition, jealousy, even deceit and infidelity.








Suggested Emotions

3 of Cups

Maidens in a garden-ground with cups uplifted, as if pledging one another.

Upright Meaning:

The conclusion of the matter in plenty, perfection and merriment; happy issue, victory, fulfilment, solace, healing.




Current External Stance

7 of Wands

A young man on a craggy eminence brandishing a staff; six other staves are raised towards him from below.

Reversed Meaning:

Perplexity, embarrassments, anxiety. It is also a caution against indecision.




Suggested External Stance

The Wheel of Fortune

The Sphinx sits atop a wheel in the sky, symbolic of the wisdom of fate. Other Egyptian characters ride the wheel as it turns, which is surrounded by four cherubs who serve as the guardians of Heaven.

Reversed Meaning:

Increase, abundance, superfluity, comfort, gain, eminence, convenience, luxury, extravagance, benefit.