This spiraling five-card layout shows the present situation as it enters the future. The first rune is the significator, meaning the overall theme and mood of the question posed. The significator is compounded by the next two runes, showing the current problem and a clue to what might offer a helping hand to overcome this problem. The fourth and fifth runes show the near future, leading into the long-term outcome.
Positive Influences Kenaz |
Obstacle Dagaz |
Long Term Results Wunjo |
What's coming soon Isa |
The Situation Naudhiz |
Dagaz represents the first rays of a new dawn. You are on the verge of some kind of breakthrough. You have the will and the ability to change reality. You may experience a period of lucidity that borders on the surreal.
There will be trouble getting the information you are looking for. The information may or may not be available, but you will need to be open to receiving it if you wish to. You may be pleasantly surprised if you reach out to someone.
The Ice Rune represents stagnation and a cold, passionless reality. Your life may seem to be going nowhere at the moment, but if you persevere you will soon move on to better days.
The reversal of this rune suggests tough times. Everyone hits a slump at some time or another. It speaks to one's strength of character as to how one meets such challenges. You will get through this and become stronger.