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Relationship Spread #2


This is a specified relationship spread that uses nine cards to analyse where a romantic relationship is at and where it is headed. The first card shows where it is at now, and can be considered the significator. The second and third cards determine where your partner stands and how it relates to where you are at personally.

Above the stem, the three-card base of the layout, a cup forms. Cards #4 and #5 show each person's desires, meaning what they want to get out of this coupling. Above this, Cards #6 and #7 show the challenge that this pairing presents to each individual. The final two cards at the top form the rim of the cup, symbolic of the taste of the relationship to each person, which shows how things will turn out on each side.

Spread Positions

  1. Your current state of mind
  2. Partner's position
  3. The nature of your issue
  4. Your desires
  5. Your partner's desires
  6. Your challenge
  7. Your partner's challenge
  8. Your outcome
  9. Your partner's outcome




Relationship Spread #2







Your Relationship #2 Reading

The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the card to the right)

Queen of Clubs
The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the card to the left)

10 of Hearts
Challenges Which May Arise for You

3 of Diamonds
Challenges Which May Arise for Your Lover

Jack of Clubs
Desires in Relation to Your Question

7 of Spades
Your Lover's Desires

2 of Clubs
Nature of Your Issue

8 of Clubs
Your Lover's Current Position

6 of Clubs
The Current State of Things

9 of Hearts




The Current State of Things
9 of Hearts

This could be thought of as the wish card. It suggests that dreams and desires will come true. Good fortune, happiness, good news, pleasure and satisfaction are traits of this sign.




Your Lover's Current Position
6 of Clubs

This card suggests a lucrative business partnership, and opportunities for success in business.




Nature of Your Issue
8 of Clubs

This card represents surprises that can suddenly appear out of nowhere. It symbolises explosive energy and suddenness. It can also suggest that meditation would be highly conductive at this time.








Desires in Relation to Your Question
7 of Spades

This signifies a battle where your prospects are not good. The best you could hope for in this circumstance is a narrow victory costing at least as much as anything gained. More likely this battle is hopeless, though this is often difficult to accept.




Your Lover's Desires
2 of Clubs

This is a symbol of ownership, territory, and concern with possessions. The energy of this card represents power and domination, but not necessarily with selfish intentions. Sometimes dominion can be mostly a matter of security, but this card reminds us to be careful concerning this matter.





Challenges Which May Arise for You
3 of Diamonds

Working towards a specific goal is indicated by this card. The creative process here leads to success in general – personal growth, material gain, accomplishment, skilled labour, and the increase of your value to the marketplace.








Challenges Which May Arise for Your Lover
Jack of Clubs

This can be a reliable friend, often considered generous, charismatic, and funny. On the other hand, he can be brash, proud, and overbearing. Most likely he is impatient.




The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the card to the right)
Queen of Clubs

This queen represents a dark-haired woman. Her traits include strength of character, attractiveness, and helpfulness. She is a nice person but can sometimes be temperamental.




The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the card to the left)
10 of Hearts

This sign indicates pleasures fulfilled yet somehow incomplete. A brooding passion overflows beyond the limits some are willing to accept. Insatiability is indicated by the presence of this card.