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Relationship Spread #1


This is a wonderful specialty layout for analysing a relationship on three levels: intellectual or rational thoughts, emotional attitudes or feelings, and postures: meaning the way each person acts in regards to the relationship.

The first card is the significator, meaning the overall personality of the relationship as a whole. On either side of the significator are two columns. The columns show how each person relates to the other on the three levels described above.

Spread Positions

  1. Relationship Significator
  2. Your Partner's Thoughts
  3. Your Partner's Feelings
  4. Your Partner's Posture
  5. Your Posture
  6. Your Feelings
  7. Your Thoughts




Relationship Spread #1







Your Relationship #1 Reading

  You   Other Person
8 of Spades
Queen of Spades
King of Diamonds
The Significator

Queen of Hearts
7 of Spades
7 of Hearts
8 of Clubs




The Significator

Queen of Hearts

This card suggests a fair-haired woman with a gentle and pleasant personality. She is almost stereotypically passive and receptive. This card is particularly influenced by the energies of the adjacent cards in a reading. She may have the heart of a poet.




The Querent's Thoughts

8 of Spades

Not being able to see the forest for the trees is the general vibe of this card – overlooking the most obvious details. Something or someone may have diverted your attention. This card embodies deception, interference, misdirection, deceit, jealousy and gossip. Division in all things is indicated.




The Other Person's Thoughts

Queen of Spades

This symbolises a dark-haired woman who may be attractive, seductive, and/or unscrupulous. You should be on your toes because deception is in the air. Is it possible that you are deceiving yourself?








The Querent's Emotions

King of Diamonds

This symbolises a fair-haired man who has natural magnetism in pursuits of material gain. He may be a skilful farmer, builder, natural scientist, or business man. In his stubbornness he may appear dull or unsophisticated to some.




The Other Person's Emotions

7 of Spades

This signifies a battle where your prospects are not good. The best you could hope for in this circumstance is a narrow victory costing at least as much as anything gained. More likely this battle is hopeless, though this is often difficult to accept.




The Querent's External Stance

7 of Hearts

This is a sign that someone may not be as reliable as you have hoped. It is possible that lust will cross the line and turn to debauchery. Deception, delusion, intoxication, and broken promises come with this sign.




The Other Person's External Stance

8 of Clubs

This card represents surprises that can suddenly appear out of nowhere. It symbolises explosive energy and suddenness. It can also suggest that meditation would be highly conductive at this time.