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Path Spread #2


The second Path spread is a seven-level design that yields insight to achieve a high level of personal and spiritual growth. The roots of the tree, shown in the first two cards, suggest what you need to learn and where the challenge lies. Growing upward, the next two cards are about the forces that guide you and what will help boost your growth. The next two cards show the lower branches of the tree, which provide warnings about what you need to let go of in order to maximise your progress. Finally at the top of the tree, we come to the outcome, showing where this growth process will ultimately lead.

Spread Positions

  1. What you need to learn
  2. Your challenge
  3. Your guiding card
  4. What will help you
  5. Warnings to heed
  6. What to let pass
  7. The outcome




Path Spread #2







Your Path #2 Reading

The End Result

3 of Spades
Warnings You Should Heed

Jack of Clubs
That Which You Should Let Pass

8 of Diamonds
What Powers Will Help You

Jack of Spades
Your Guiding Card

6 of Diamonds
What You Need to Learn

6 of Clubs
The Challenges Before You

10 of Diamonds




What You Need to Learn
6 of Clubs

This card suggests a lucrative business partnership, and opportunities for success in business.





The Challenges Before You
10 of Diamonds

There will be surprising financial opportunities. Material prosperity will be certain. This is the card of established material wealth.





Your Guiding Card
6 of Diamonds

This card embodies success itself. It suggests you will be influential because others will be looking up to you. Share your success and cultivate a cycle of fruitfulness and good fortune.









What Powers Will Help You
Jack of Spades

This symbolises a dark-haired young man who probably is not certain about what he wants. He may mean well, but his laziness is a hindrance to his team in matters of work. He has a lot of ideas but lacks the initiative to follow through.





Warnings You Should Heed
Jack of Clubs

This can be a reliable friend, often considered generous, charismatic, and funny. On the other hand, he can be brash, proud, and overbearing. Most likely he is impatient.




That Which You Should Let Pass
8 of Diamonds

This card suggests knowledge of construction, agriculture, or material affairs. There is a slow and steady, unwavering progression – perhaps one who is late to bloom or saving the best for last.





The End Result
3 of Spades

This sign represents sorrow and sadness. It could indicate a relationship gone wrong, bad feelings, or break ups. Discord and melancholy are indicated by this card. However, if other hearts are adjacent to this card, it means faithfulness and honesty in relationships of all kinds.