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Horse Shoe Spread #1


The seven-card Horse Shoe is a convenient, basic layout that can be used to answer different types of questions, especially concerning questions where insight would be helpful. Like several other spreads, it has cards representing the past, present, and future.

The pinnacle of the Horse Shoe, looking like the top of the mountain, shows the obstacle or challenge that needs to be addressed and overcome. Card #6 suggests a course of action to meet this challenge. The final card shows the outcome or future, should this advice be followed.

Other clues are provided in Cards #3 and #5, which indicate hidden or outside influences that come into play, affecting the journey to your goal.

Spread Positions

  1. Past Influences
  2. Present Influences
  3. Hidden Influences
  4. The Obstacle
  5. External Influences
  6. Suggested Course
  7. The Outcome




Horse Shoe Spread #1







Your Horse Shoe #1 Reading


9 of Hearts
Hidden Influences

9 of Diamonds
  External Influences

4 of Spades
The Present

4 of Hearts

Jack of Diamonds
The Past

8 of Diamonds
  The Outcome

4 of Diamonds




The Past Card represents past events that are affecting the question.


8 of Diamonds

This card suggests knowledge of construction, agriculture, or material affairs. There is a slow and steady, unwavering progression – perhaps one who is late to bloom or saving the best for last.




The Present Card represents the current state or immediately approaching influence.


4 of Hearts

Indulgence in luxury is represented by this sign. This is also a warning of the possibility of excess. You can party as hard as you like, just remember to know your limitations. Always be safe.




Hidden Influences - Things that you may not be aware of, or barely be aware of.


9 of Diamonds

Material gains are heralded by this card. There will be an increase in resources through accomplishment or inheritance, or perhaps some other surprise. Business may pick up.




Obstacle - This is the challenge.


9 of Hearts

This could be thought of as the wish card. It suggests that dreams and desires will come true. Good fortune, happiness, good news, pleasure and satisfaction are traits of this sign.








External Influences - Attitudes about this situation from people around the querent.


4 of Spades

Reconciliation, compromise, and signing deals of different kinds is the meaning of this card in a reading. There will be recovery after a period of struggles. The quarrel is resolved by intellectual means.




Suggestion - The recommended course of action.�


Jack of Diamonds

This Jack symbolises a relative. This person may be self-interested. Be wary of a selfish, jealous, or unreliable family member's advice. Alternatively, this card could also represent a bearer of bad news.




The Outcome - What will happen if the suggestion is followed.


4 of Diamonds

Your place is established and you should feel secure in this. Changes for the better are suggested, perhaps an inheritance or upswing in business. Some of your so-called friends may reveal themselves as secret "haters" instead. Try not be hurt or offended by their shortcomings.