The seven-card Horse Shoe is a convenient, basic layout that can be used to answer different types of questions, especially concerning questions where insight would be helpful. Like several other spreads, it has cards representing the past, present, and future.
The pinnacle of the Horse Shoe, looking like the top of the mountain, shows the obstacle or challenge that needs to be addressed and overcome. Card #6 suggests a course of action to meet this challenge. The final card shows the outcome or future, should this advice be followed.
Other clues are provided in Cards #3 and #5, which indicate hidden or outside influences that come into play, affecting the journey to your goal.
Obstacle King of Spades |
Hidden Influences Ace of Diamonds |
External Influences King of Clubs |
The Present 10 of Clubs |
Suggestion 9 of Hearts |
The Past Jack of Diamonds |
The Outcome 7 of Clubs |
10 of Clubs
This suggests you may have good fortune but at a cost greater than your gain. Be careful of the possibility of abuse. Do not allow malice or cruelty to take root in your soul. This card can mean entrapment, even imprisonment.
Ace of Diamonds
The first card of the Diamonds suit often foretells the arrival of a valuable message or especially meaningful gift. More specifically this can often represent a ring, or more generally can refer to gifts of sustenance or money.
King of Spades
This represents a dark-haired man of great ambition. He is accustomed to success and usually gets what he wants. He is very active, skilful, and clever, but can also be deceitful. At worst, he may be a tyrant in waiting.
King of Clubs
The king signifies a dark-haired man. He is generous, faithful, open-minded and honest, though he can sometimes let pride go to his head. At his worst, he can unfortunately project his own repressions onto others.
9 of Hearts
This could be thought of as the wish card. It suggests that dreams and desires will come true. Good fortune, happiness, good news, pleasure and satisfaction are traits of this sign.
7 of Clubs
This symbol of prosperity and honour suggests an uphill battle which you are more than capable of winning. The value of this experience can be incalculable in regards to both personal development and opening up new opportunities. However, this card can foretell the possibility of romantic interference.