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Cross Spread


This easy-to-read four-card layout is one of the most useful of all the spreads. The first card is the significator, and the last shows the outcome, provided that the advice given is followed. The advice is broken down into two cards which can easily be compared and contrasted. Card #2 suggests what to avoid, while #3 shows the path to take. </p>
<p>This spread can also be used to ask about the meaning of a card from a previously executed spread that may have been unclear. In this usage, Card #2 shows what it did not mean, while #3 clarifies the meaning.

Spread Positions

  1. It deals with this
  2. Avoid this
  3. Do this
  4. Outcome




Cross Spread







Your Cross Reading

  DO This

3 of Clubs
It Deals with This

2 of Clubs
  Do NOT Do This

Jack of Hearts
  It Leads to This

9 of Diamonds




It Deals with This

2 of Clubs

This is a symbol of ownership, territory, and concern with possessions. The energy of this card represents power and domination, but not necessarily with selfish intentions. Sometimes dominion can be mostly a matter of security, but this card reminds us to be careful concerning this matter.




Do NOT Do This

Jack of Hearts

This Jack indicates a fair-haired younger person whether male or female. This may be a kind, attractive, and romantic person. Perhaps this represents a close friend. This person may appear calm and cool, but under the surface they are concealing a brooding passion.








DO This

3 of Clubs

Strong, enduring partnerships are indicated by the presence of this card. No matter which type of relationship this card refers to, it suggests a bond with great longevity.




It Leads to This

9 of Diamonds

Material gains are heralded by this card. There will be an increase in resources through accomplishment or inheritance, or perhaps some other surprise. Business may pick up.