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Celtic Cross Spread


The Celtic Cross is the most well-known tarot spread and also the largest available here, involving ten cards. This spread begins with a pair of crossing cards at the center of the issue, essentially being two significators. When two significators are involved, they may strengthen or oppose each other, which speaks of the nature of the situation. Above and below the initial cross, we have two cards which are symbolic of the intellectual (top) and emotional (bottom) basis of the issue. The Before and After cards show the past and immediate future.

At the right, four cards are laid out, going upward. At the bottom you have a card representing yourself, and the next card shows how others may affect the situation. Card #9 indicates what you may be hoping for, or possibly, what you hope will not happen. Finally at the top is the outcome, meaning the distant or ultimate future.

Spread Positions

  1. This is it (what you asked about)
  2. This crosses it (strengthens or opposes)
  3. This crowns it (higher influences)
  4. It rests upon this (lower influences)
  5. This came before
  6. This comes next
  7. This is you
  8. The external world around you
  9. Your hopes, fears, and secret desires
  10. The result or outcome




Celtic Cross







Your Celtic Cross Reading

The Crown

5 of Clubs

The Outcome

6 of Clubs

Hopes and Fears

Ace of Hearts

External Forces

2 of Diamonds

The Querent

8 of Hearts

The Recent Past

2 of Clubs

The Crossing Card

Jack of Hearts

The Significator

7 of Clubs

The Future

King of Hearts

Foundation card

Ace of Diamonds



The Significator represents what the main theme of the reading deals with, the initial situation.



7 of Clubs

This symbol of prosperity and honour suggests an uphill battle which you are more than capable of winning. The value of this experience can be incalculable in regards to both personal development and opening up new opportunities. However, this card can foretell the possibility of romantic interference.





The Crossing Card denotes an added impulse that compounds the initial card, whether complimentary or contradictory.


Jack of Hearts

This Jack indicates a fair-haired younger person whether male or female. This may be a kind, attractive, and romantic person. Perhaps this represents a close friend. This person may appear calm and cool, but under the surface they are concealing a brooding passion.





The Crown stands for what the asker is aware of consciously.


5 of Clubs

This is a sign of disconnection with the spiritual source. Discontentment with oneself leads to friction in relationships. There may be opposition from friends or associates, quarrelling, strife, and failure of projects, but you would be well served to look within as to the source of this.





Foundation card reveals unconscious driving forces that the querent may not be aware of.


Ace of Diamonds

The first card of the Diamonds suit often foretells the arrival of a valuable message or especially meaningful gift. More specifically this can often represent a ring, or more generally can refer to gifts of sustenance or money.









The Recent Past represents past events and concerns.


2 of Clubs

This is a symbol of ownership, territory, and concern with possessions. The energy of this card represents power and domination, but not necessarily with selfish intentions. Sometimes dominion can be mostly a matter of security, but this card reminds us to be careful concerning this matter.





The Future depicts that which lies ahead.


King of Hearts

This represents a fair-haired man. He is honest but impetuous. He tends to be hasty and not think his decisions through. Therefore, one should be wary of accepting any advice from him.





The Querent represents the asker and their attitude towards the subject of the reading.


8 of Hearts

This card could represent either invitations or partings. Instability and the abandonment of success are indicated. There may be minor victories coupled with setbacks. At least the glass can be filled half way, so try to look on the bright side.





External Forces represents the influence of others in your life as well as trends in your relationships with others.


2 of Diamonds

This can mean a major change is coming. It is possible that a great love affair may be indicated. If so, it is growing stronger, but opposition from outside sources may be growing just as quickly.









Hopes and Fears shows the expectations you have concerning the outcome of your question.


Ace of Hearts

The first card of the Hearts suit suggests new attitudes opening one up to friendship, love, and personal contentment that can lead to a shared happiness between like-minded individuals.





The Outcome of your question. Interpret this card in the context of the entire reading and as an indicator of the path you are currently on, but not necessarily bound to.


6 of Clubs

This card suggests a lucrative business partnership, and opportunities for success in business.