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Career Spread


This layout forms the shape of an arrow pointing upwards, symbolic of the focus of any ambitious, career-minded individual. The first card shows where you are currently at in your career. The second shows the challenge you will need to overcome on your way up the ladder of success. You can rely on your strengths, hinted at in Card #3 to help you along your way. Cards #4 and #5 show the Past and Future Influences that affect your journey. Finally, Card #6 shows the outcome of your efforts.

Spread Positions

  1. Current Position
  2. Your Challenge
  3. Your Strengths
  4. Your Influences
  5. Coming Influences
  6. The Outcome




Career Spread







Your Career Reading

The Outcome

5 of Clubs
Past Related Influences

8 of Hearts
Future Related Influences

Ace of Diamonds
Your Strengths

5 of Diamonds
The Challenges Before You

8 of Spades
Your Current Position

Queen of Spades




Your Current Position
Queen of Spades

This symbolises a dark-haired woman who may be attractive, seductive, and/or unscrupulous. You should be on your toes because deception is in the air. Is it possible that you are deceiving yourself?




The Challenges Before You
8 of Spades

Not being able to see the forest for the trees is the general vibe of this card – overlooking the most obvious details. Something or someone may have diverted your attention. This card embodies deception, interference, misdirection, deceit, jealousy and gossip. Division in all things is indicated.




Your Strengths
5 of Diamonds

This is a symbol of bad mind. Thinking too much about trivial concerns wastes vital energy. To make matters worse, one's thoughts are the basis of their reality, so always keep in mind that worry and fear can actively cause harm in your life if you can't learn to control your thoughts and manifestations.








Past Related Influences
8 of Hearts

This card could represent either invitations or partings. Instability and the abandonment of success are indicated. There may be minor victories coupled with setbacks. At least the glass can be filled half way, so try to look on the bright side.




Future Related Influences
Ace of Diamonds

The first card of the Diamonds suit often foretells the arrival of a valuable message or especially meaningful gift. More specifically this can often represent a ring, or more generally can refer to gifts of sustenance or money.




The Outcome
5 of Clubs

This is a sign of disconnection with the spiritual source. Discontentment with oneself leads to friction in relationships. There may be opposition from friends or associates, quarrelling, strife, and failure of projects, but you would be well served to look within as to the source of this.