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Achievement Spread


Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly defining your goals. This reading explores your strengths and weaknesses, suggesting areas in which you will have to make some effort to ensure you reach your goals.

Spread Positions

  1. Your goal
  2. Primary strength
  3. Issues to address
  4. Primary weakness
  5. Issues to address
  6. Outcome




Achievement Spread







Your Achievement Reading


10 of Hearts
Issues to Address

2 of Hearts
Your Goal

6 of Hearts
Issues to Address

3 of Diamonds
Your Strengths

Queen of Clubs
Your Weaknesses

4 of Clubs




6 of Hearts

This is a sign of unexpected good fortune. You may be pleasantly surprised. There will be a steady increase in fortune. Remember to be generous if you want to pleasure to last. Avoid vanity and presumptuousness in yourself and others.




Queen of Clubs

This queen represents a dark-haired woman. Her traits include strength of character, attractiveness, and helpfulness. She is a nice person but can sometimes be temperamental.




2 of Hearts

This card symbolises harmony and good feelings, even love. Fulfilment of the heart is often connected to relationships with others, but can also come from activities we deeply enjoy. Either way, this symbol stands for strong feelings.








4 of Clubs

This signifies completion and fulfilment – the satisfaction of relaxation after a job well done. This can also mean the solidification of a bond.




3 of Diamonds

Working towards a specific goal is indicated by this card. The creative process here leads to success in general – personal growth, material gain, accomplishment, skilled labour, and the increase of your value to the marketplace.




10 of Hearts

This sign indicates pleasures fulfilled yet somehow incomplete. A brooding passion overflows beyond the limits some are willing to accept. Insatiability is indicated by the presence of this card.