This psychological layout shows a person about their own mind. It is meant to provide clarity so you have a better picture of what you want out of life. Tiles #3 and #4 show similar ideas, the difference being that #3 is more about fun things, and #4 is more about ambitions and what you want to achieve.
Where You Are In Life Circles 9 |
Your Primary Thoughts Bamboo 8 |
What You Desire Bamboo 3 |
Your Goals Winter |
Your Future Deeds Red Dragon |
The Unicorn means foresight and prophecy. It suggests a visionary with "psychic" abilities, one who is strongly connected to the spiritual source. It suggests the ability to quickly size up individuals and situations intuitively. A symbol of wisdom.
The Mushroom represents variety and uniqueness. It reminds that surprises can spring up anyplace at any time and leave lasting impressions. Persistence, progress, and regeneration are strong with this sign.
The Toad represents an ugly time that cannot pass soon enough for you. However, you will get through these troubling times soon and all will be well. Be careful not to bite off more than you can chew.
The Scholar represents the cultured mind, prudence, and spiritual development. Some think of this tile more specifically as Confucius. This is the sign of refinement of the intellect and the mastery of intellectually oriented tasks.
The Red Dragon represents the centre or middle, as in the core or bullseye. It foretells success and the skilful fulfilment of your goals.