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Personal Growth Spread


This in-depth eight-card layout shows various aspects of your personal journey. It is good for exploring generalised personal questions, but can also be used to explore relationships if the couple is viewed as a whole.

This spread progresses through eight stages similar to the tarot deck's Major Arcana, beginning with birth and the realm of fertility. After birth comes the initial growth which leads to a period of adaptation, change, and re-balancing oneself. Once the process has grown enough, security comes into focus, as it is necessary to protect what has been earned. After this, once again growth is important, but concerning the mind and creativitity this time, leading to another phase of personal changes. Finally upon completion of the journey, the rewards become evident, and beyond that, one's spiritual development level will have noticeably risen.

Spread Positions

  1. Beginnings, fertility, and birth
  2. Growth, flow, and energy
  3. Changes, polarities, and balance
  4. Protection and defense
  5. Learning, art, and creativity
  6. Change and metamorphosis
  7. Completion, rewards, and luck
  8. Inner strength and spiritual guidance




Personal Growth Reading







Your Personal Growth Reading

Matters of Completion, Rewards and Luck.

The Fox
Matters of Change and Metamorphosis.

The Rider
Matters of Inner Strength and Spiritual Guidance.

The Child
Matters of Learning, Art and Creativity.

The Ring
Matters of Beginnings, fertility and birth.

The Fish
Matters of Protection and Defense.

The Key
Matters of Growth, Flow and Energy.

The Tree
Matters of Changes, Polarities and Balance.

The Clover




Matters of Beginnings, fertility and birth.
The Fish

Intellectualism, psychic abilities, material success, luxury, and wealth. Also, instability, excess, drugs, and alcohol. The Fish is a sign of great fortune, but also a warning to set boundaries or luxury may lead to corruption.




Matters of Growth, Flow and Energy.
The Tree

The Tree is symbolic of life, health, nature, time, development, and awareness of one's place in the universe. If you do not live a healthy lifestyle already, the Tree indicates that you should become concerned about this and make changes to become healthier.




Matters of Changes, Polarities and Balance.
The Clover

The Clover is a symbol of good luck, hope, simplicity, and nature. This card indicates a sudden burst of good luck coming your way.




Matters of Protection and Defense.
The Key

Understanding, truth, knowledge, advice, probabilities, and possibilities. The Key means that you have what it takes to move on to another level.








Matters of Learning, Art and Creativity.
The Ring

Karma, cycles, monotony, group work, connections, contracts, promises, and protection. The Ring signifies solidification.




Matters of Change and Metamorphosis.
The Rider

Thoughts, good news, precognition, an augury. This is a messenger of good fortune, perhaps a young man. Your intentions will go well.




Matters of Completion, Rewards and Luck.
The Fox

Deviousness, plotting, hypocrisy, lies, a warning that something is not what it seems, worldly logic, temptations, trickery. When facing away from the affected card, it means absolute honesty and survival instincts.




Matters of Inner Strength and Spiritual Guidance.
The Child

The Child indicates youth, inexperience, naiveness, playfulness, and small size. The appearance of the Child may foretell a child coming into your life.