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Career Spread


This layout forms the shape of an arrow pointing upwards, symbolic of the focus of any ambitious, career-minded individual. The first card shows where you are currently at in your career. The second shows the challenge you will need to overcome on your way up the ladder of success. You can rely on your strengths, hinted at in Card #3 to help you along your way. Cards #4 and #5 show the Past and Future Influences that affect your journey. Finally, Card #6 shows the outcome of your efforts.

Spread Positions

  1. Current Position
  2. Your Challenge
  3. Your Strengths
  4. Your Influences
  5. Coming Influences
  6. The Outcome




Career Spread







Your Career Reading

The Outcome

The Rider
Past Related Influences

The Rods
Future Related Influences

The Star
Your Strengths

The Heart
The Challenges Before You

The House
Your Current Position

The Cross




Your Current Position
The Cross

Symbol of fate, karma, guilt, knowledge, belief, tests, sacrifice, grand endings, tough love, and hard lessons. The Cross indicates that you may have to make a considerable sacrifice.




The Challenges Before You
The House

Stability, shelter, home life, family, and responsibility. The House also indicates success in creative projects.




Your Strengths
The Heart

Love, feelings, the heart of something, connection, the Soul.








Past Related Influences
The Rods

The Rod represents family quarrels, arguments, heated debate, domestic trouble, strife, cleansing by fire, consequences, and the number two and duality. This card indicates the need to make some significant changes in your domestic situation.




Future Related Influences
The Star

The Universe and the laws that govern it, the state of life and existence, spiritual aspirations, the melancholy of dreams, eternity, universal consciousness, a spirit guide. The Star signifies success and the attainment of your goals. It reaffirms that you are on the right path and can move forward with confidence.




The Outcome
The Rider

Thoughts, good news, precognition, an augury. This is a messenger of good fortune, perhaps a young man. Your intentions will go well.