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Achievement Spread


Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly defining your goals. This reading explores your strengths and weaknesses, suggesting areas in which you will have to make some effort to ensure you reach your goals.

Spread Positions

  1. Your goal
  2. Primary strength
  3. Issues to address
  4. Primary weakness
  5. Issues to address
  6. Outcome




Achievement Spread







Your Achievement Reading


The Ring
Issues to Address

The Castle
Your Goal

The Rods
Issues to Address

The Park
Your Strengths

The Child
Your Weaknesses

The Key




The Rods

The Rod represents family quarrels, arguments, heated debate, domestic trouble, strife, cleansing by fire, consequences, and the number two and duality. This card indicates the need to make some significant changes in your domestic situation.




The Child

The Child indicates youth, inexperience, naiveness, playfulness, and small size. The appearance of the Child may foretell a child coming into your life.




The Castle

Earthly power, dominion, law and order, material success, stability, skill in confrontation, aloofness, remoteness, and the elevation of the spirit. The Castle is a sign you will attain success and stability.








The Key

Understanding, truth, knowledge, advice, probabilities, and possibilities. The Key means that you have what it takes to move on to another level.




The Park

Society, connection, peace, lack of worries, multi-faceted feelings, gatherings, and parties. The Park indicates you'll have loyal friends to share good times with.




The Ring

Karma, cycles, monotony, group work, connections, contracts, promises, and protection. The Ring signifies solidification.