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Horse Shoe Layout #2


Similar to the Horse Shoe #1, this variant provides insight on different levels. The first two dominoes begin the reading with the past and present, but then the dominoes switch to a different focus. Card #3 warns you about possible side effects that could accompany the future outcome, #7. The base domino, #4 shows desirable or undesirable actions to take concerning the issue. The external environment specifically means the people around you and how they feel about what you are up to. Things which could cause setbacks are indicated in Card #6, another more specifically focused domino than what is generally labelled the obstacle or challenge domino in some other layouts.

Layout Positions

  1. Past Influences
  2. Present Influences
  3. Possible Consequences
  4. Something you should consider doing
  5. External Influences
  6. Possible Delays
  7. Possible Outcome




Horse Shoe Layout #2







Your Horse Shoe #2 Reading

Past Actions Effecting the Question

Possible Future Outcome

Present Actions Effecting the Question

Possible Delays

Future Results You Should Consider

Feelings of Those Around You

Actions You Should Consider





Past Actions Effecting the Question

New insights will enrichen your life. There will be some kind of unification. This can mean the coming into alignment of your lower self with your higher self. It can also mean alignment with a partner. You will begin to see your potential more clearly as a result.




Present Actions Effecting the Question

This tile suggests that things may have turned into a mess. Sometimes we operate on autopilot for too long without taking the time to stop and clean things up. It would be a great benefit to stop, think about things, reorganise, and perhaps re-strategize. Doing this will leap you forward much closer to your goal. In fact, you are closer than you think you are already.





Future Results You Should Consider

This tile suggests thinking about making some kind of sacrifice for the sake of family. It also suggests building upon the family, strengthening it as a group in some way. Have you or someone close been thinking about having children?








Actions You Should Consider

This tile is a sign of completion. It's a great time to tie up any loose ends. You should complete old projects before starting new ones. Be wary of spreading yourself too thin. Focus completely on the moment so that you can proceed to the place you want to be.




Feelings of Those Around You

We all need a little help from time to time. This tile suggests to be humble but not ashamed. Be thankful and not prideful in accepting any aid. Remember that nobody owes you anything.




Possible Delays

This tile is about sharing. You may meet or know someone who could benefit from your experience. This does not suggest offering unsolicited advice, but simply being willing to share. Your knowledge could be a lifesaver for someone even if you have no idea it could be.




Possible Future Outcome

Anger and frustration are parts of life, but it is up to us to find a healthy way of dealing with these unpleasant feelings. Perhaps you just need to vent, or maybe a vacation is in order. Continuing to repress these feelings can be detrimental to your health, but be careful not to take it out on others. Do your best to settle your differences peacefully.